
Susanne Rosen Bonfe
613 Sutcliff Circle

Mendota Heights, MN 55118

How SmileKeepers started…

Working as an accountant my boss asked me to buy a card for Christmas/Hannukah/New Year. I thought the cards were kind of expensive and they all looked the same. So I drew my own holiday card and we printed it. Our customers loved it and hence, I started my business.

After designing cards for many years, I added magnets. And then with the help of my father, Sidney L Rosen, I added promotional gifts and clothing. He was the best mentor to me and very well respected in the ad specialties industry.

I laugh a bit as had I known what I was going to do with my life, I should have paid a lot more attention in kindergarten to coloring and cutting!

However, my college degree in psychology from Barnard College of Columbia University, years as controller of a CPA firm and  an international insurance firm, all helped me understand the business world and the people in it.

I love my work. It’s all about people and relationships. Helping people connect with one another through gifts and cards.